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28% of local searches convert

if you're not showing up in local searches, you're missing out on customers - online and in-store.

Awareness, Reputation, Influence

Did you know that proximity isn't the only factor in determining if your business is the one that shows up in a local, Near Me search? If Google determines a competitor is more reliable, that's the business profile that will show up, even if the business is further away.

You need all three elements - awareness, reputation, and influence - to attract people to your business and get them to convert to buying customers. 
Our Local Business Starter Pack delivers on all three, at a Local Business-friendly rate.

Awareness - You need to make sure your Google Business Profile shows up in Local Searches


Reputation - Reviews, Reviews, Reviews. 90% of Shoppers read at least one review before making a purchase

Influence - You have local competitors. Great content can showcase your expertise and influence consumers

That doesn't mean you have to...

Spend hours manually updating your Google Business Profile, Yelp Profile, ShowMeLocal Profile, Facebook Profile....

Take time emailing every single client and customer asking for a review, forgetting who left one already, and not following up with those who haven't

Stay on top of trending audio and pray your latest reel goes viral

my business needs this

Spend a ton of money to get results

your solution:

Helping you improve your brand awareness, reputation, and influence - for just $250/month, zero stress, and virtually no time commitment.

Awareness: Help Google, Help you. Our Local Business Starter Pack includes Google Business Profile and Online Listings Management, to build a consistent online presence and have your Google Business Profile show up more often in Local Searches. And those Local Searches convert to a sale 28% of the time.

Reputation: Not only do reviews tell Google your business is trustworthy and a great option for consumers (giving it more reason to show your Google Business Profile!), reviews are the #1 deciding factor in purchase decisions, and 90% of shoppers look at at least one review. Our Local Business Starter Pack helps you get more reviews, and showcases the great ones you have on your website.

Influence: Once consumers discover your business profile, you want to show them you're not only the trusted option according to Google, but that you actually know your stuff, too. We'll create an influential piece of social content for you every week, to help build trust with your consumers.

Ready to Win the Local Search Game?

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Who is this for?

The Local Business Starter Pack is a great option for:

Local Service Providers (Electricians, Plumbers, Carpenters, Painters, Freelancers, etc.)

Local Brick & Mortar Businesses (Dentists, Massage Therapists, Restaurants, Car Dealerships, Accountants, Cafes, etc.)

Businesses with one or more locations or online shops

Businesses or Service Providers who are just starting out and want to get the most bang for their marketing bucks

I believe in doing things your own way, following your own tide and doing what feels right - not following trends or hacks to try and grow your business.

But don't be fooled - the whimsy is backed by 12 years of experience in marketing and communications, including two degrees, work experience for government, non-profits, national corporations, and everything in between.

In it's almost-7 years, Blue Whale has supported more than 75 organizations of all sizes with their content marketing strategy, helping them get seen by more customers without having to stress out about what's 'trendy'.

If you ask my family, they'll tell you I was always a bit stubborn and determined to do what I wanted HOW I wanted.

It's no surprise that I followed my own rules when I grew Blue Whale - and believe that you can, too (smartly, of course).

Hey, Nikki Here
